I have often been asked if writing before work, or after it slows me down. Is it difficult? I have seen people in previous jobs head out after closing time to get into a five hour workout. Almost every single time I have left early in the morning to get somewhere, there has always been someone walking their dog, jogging, or people enjoying a steaming drink and quiet discussion.
In all honesty, what seems ‘extra’ and optional is not an additional difficulty, at least after it becomes a habit. It not only is the only time in which we create our own things, in turn it reminds us of the fullness of things. All I think of when asked the question is that, often I feel in a good mood, I have performed some good in the early hours, and I feel something has been done both for myself and for others, more has been gained from the day.
I will not talk about the progressive increase of working hours, or pay, or the creative mindset and so on; because all of those things consist of scheduling, they really pale compare to the thing itself which few salesmen or research think tanks will provide you.
Instead, consider these ways in which making some Art Time would benefit you personally.
At 17:30 after work and the commute home, you drop off your children at the local Tae-Kwon-Do class. Their calls, discipline and movements catch your eye. You take this to heart while taking your regular jog, practicing a few punches as you move. You are keeping fit, considering those martial arts; and all of your family has made time for self-defence and discipline.
After an aqua-aerobics session you feel exhausted, yet still not ready for dinner. Every muscle feels warm, and the thought of leaving this comfortable space is not appealing at all. You are magnetised to your spot on the sofa, and you take this time to practice taking pictures with your phone. The way the lights sparkle at this time in the evening, playing with perspective. You reach for a notepad perched on the small table perched next to the sofa, and that gives you this settled time to try sketching what you see with pen and pencil.
You are waiting for the building to open, and find that learning app on your phone. You feel it’s only a sliver of time, yet you come away understanding a new word. The air does not feel so cold, you are no longer self-conscious. Mountains are climbed step by step, and when you start for the day, you faintly notice if anything a better mood when you greet someone coming to open the security door.
In making time, we also make up our contemplative nature, shape physical matter; and improve our state of mind. Consider those minutes and moments of making time, and you will never regret it.